Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP King of Pop

Whatever you chose to believe about him and the allegations and the wackiness and all that he done or not done. He is an icon and his music truly was that - music. That is undisputable. Compared to some of the trash that is being belted out today and being passed of as music.

There will never be another Michael Jackson.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm super excited!

I leave for Israel in 2 weeks and I have lots of reservations about it. Starting from how will my son do while I'm away to with WHAT will my husband do while I'm away to how will I do while there alone. Well, not really alone, there will be other people there, mostly college age and mainly strangers to me.

But, all that is overshadowed by my sheer excitement to finally make it Israel. I know I will feel the connection to the land that I have been longing for and I can't wait.
Raje is the organization sponsoring my trip and all expenses are paid. I am very grateful to be a part of this experience.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Front page news:

Obama declares time to fix health care is now.
Like I said before I tend to not get into political discussions, but we've got ourselves a winner here folks.

Final Destination.

So, I haven’t written in a while and I couldn't think of anything that was worth mentioning ( no news is good news ) until now.

Flight AF447 - everyone heard about this. Tragic. Unfortunate. Sad! There were children on board, one 11 year old reported to have been traveling alone. I can not imagine those last moments of his life. No mom or dad to comfort and hold his scared little hand in that horrific plunge.
I pray for them.

But, what happens when you say "There but for the grace of G-d go I"? You should have been on that plane but miss it for whatever reason and make the next one to make it home safe and sound only to die in a car crash the following week? What is that? What forces are at hand here? How creepy is this situation?

I think this whole thing begs for a whole new debate about being destined for certain fates.
I always thought that we had our destinies predetermined for us before we are even able to make a single decision for ourselves.
This idea just moved up a notch in my mind.