Monday, December 15, 2008

This is the ranting part

Why is that once you feel an ounce of happiness, karma seems to rear it's ugly head and decide that too much happy for one person is not good, and yanks the rug right form under you? Is it the "too much of anything is not good" thing, and so there must be a balance of happy and sad, kind of like there is no light without darkness and no good without evil or something? It could be that I just simply demand too much happiness.
I have tried to make lemonade from lemons, and all that good stuff, but, I get rotten lemons sometimes, and so, I feel like instead of drinking rotten lemonade, I'll just throw the lemons out. I have no energy to sort through them. I just toss the whole bunch. Yes, kinda like giving up…
How do the "positive people" do it? I mean really, don’t you feel trampled on sometimes? Don't you want to just rip someone's head open when they wrong you? How do you do it?
I want to learn to be a more positive person. Perhaps I shall try it as my New Years resolution. But, I really wouldn't expect too much.


  1. I think I'm a pretty positive person but I'm also quick to rip heads off. You just have to strike the right balance. S'novom godom!

  2. I'm looking for that balance as we speak!
    Tebya takzhe :)
